
Fangirling, llamas, and campaigning.

I haven't blogged in a while. That's most likely due to the fact that nothing too extraordinary has happened to me lately. But, nevertheless I will share some highlights of my life since you last saw a glimpse of it.

I went to the zoo. My mum looooove going to the zoo and if the weather is even remotely nice, she wants to go. So one warm day last week, she got off work early and we headed to the zoo with my aunt Christine, my cousin Christina aka Baby Ca, and my other cousin Gabby. As we are about to walk into the entrance of the zoo, who do we see? My aunt Audrey and my cousin Maddie. It was hilarious. We had no idea that they were going to be there and vice versa. 
While we were walking around, we approached the llamas. :) If you know me at all, you know that I have a strange llama fetish. One of the llamas started making the most peculiar sound. Which I'm assuming is the equivalency of a dog's barking or growling.

I've been doing quite a bit of planning/organizing/strategizing the past week or two. For what you ask? I'm going to run for Senate at National Convention this year! I can't even begin to explain to you how utterly excited I am for this. :) For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about I'll briefly explain. I'm involved in a leadership school called TeenPact. It's for conservative Christian homeschoolers and every May, they have a "national convention", which is like a huge week long camp for all the TeenPacters across the country. During the week they have mock elections. Now you're caught up.
I'm just excited for so many reasons. I'm so excited to share my campaign message with everyone! I'm excited to meet even more people through campaigning. I'm excited for the campaign shirts that I designed. And lastly, I'm excited about glow sticks (you'll find out more about that another point in time). :)

Oh! Here's something awesome that happened to me recently. Remember that guy Heejun from American Idol? The one who I always talk about and who tweeted me back a while ago? Well, Heejun was on a tweeting spree a couple nights ago and he tweeted me back again!

Fangirling. << That last word pretty much sums up my days lately. I've been fangirling in full force. If you'd like to find out more you can visit my tumblr page. That's where my inner fan girl resides. So, if you too are obsessed with One Direction, I would advise you to go check that out. :) If you are wondering why I like this band so much I have two words for you: Liam. Payne. >>