
One for the road.

Hey hey. Our family leaves for the long-awaited Disney cruise on Friday!! Woohoo! And in reality, I owe it all to John. My parents felt that I had a hard year and finally gave in to my years of asking. Thus, I want to leave you all with one big update to hold you over until we get back.

- John still has moments when he gets discouraged and feels down. And although he wouldn't actually leave, sometimes he just wants to come home. Please pray for him in that area. 

- There was a pastor who came and spoke to the guys and he was showing them pictures on his phone. John said he couldn't remember how to use a phone. Haha. 

- When John got saved last year, he really wanted to be able to go into schools and share his testimony. Teen Challenge is trying to start up a ministry like that where they travel to schools and share with the students. It's still in the works so pray that they will be able to. That would be an incredible ministry. 

- He said that sometimes everyone can get in a weird attitude and everything feels mundane. John and one of his friends were talking and they want to change that. He said he doesn't want TC to be another rehab. 

- John keeps emphasizing that he is done with his family. At first I was worried he was just saying that to please us. But he knows now that they will only bring him down like before. He will always love them but he doesn't want to risk even seeing them once in a while; he won't be able to see them at all. 

- He still is not sure what he wants to do with his life after he finishes the program. But he says he's noticing that the more he prays the more God reveals to him. He had 3 different people he had never met before tell him they could see him in ministry. 

Since we are not able to see each other it's easy for me to overthink things. A lot of times I wonder if it was just all in my head when I thought God told me that we were the ones for each other. Or I'll wonder if I really want to go through this whole journey. And a million other things. 

And then my mom will come home with tons of stories that reassure me that we are definitely soul mates. 

- There's a song that's always reminded me of the life I imagine for me and John. It's called Love Will Be Enough For Us by Dave Barnes. It's such an adorable song. Last week when my mom was visiting him, he told her to tell me to look up a song that he heard called love is enough "or something like that" by Brandon Heath. He said it reminded him of us. Sure enough, it's the same song, but a different version. Coincidence? Not to me. 

- My mom and I wanted to get John a purity/promise ring to wear since he comes across a lot of girls while visiting churches or going door to door. Mom ran it by him and he was so excited about it. He said that he's "tired of explaining to people that he's married" haha. She got to give him the ring on thanksgiving and he was ecstatic. All his buddies make fun of him for having it but doesn't care one bit. 

- He said it's so stupid and clichĂ© but he wonders if when he's looking at the moon, if I'm looking at the moon too. Or if he's reading his bible and praying, if I'm reading my bible and praying. He even thought about getting my mom to tell me to pray at a specific time so it would be like we're praying together. Nice to see that he hasn't lost any of his romantic-ness. 

- There's a story John told me he started to write for me this summer. It's a love story between the sun and the moon and they only get to see each other during an eclipse but it's worth it to them to see each other even for that short time. He got one of his friends on staff to look up all the different facts about eclipses. So John studied a 15 page article and re wrote the story with the scientific facts included. 

- He said that he didn't realize just how much he put me first in his life before. Now he is focusing on God first and getting himself right with Him and then he will worry about me.

- I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but John will get a weekend visit home around his 6 month mark (I may or may not have a countdown on my wall...). During that time he really wants to focus on showing me how sorry he is and for how he treated me. He wants to do whatever he has to to prove himself to me and everyone else he hurt. He also wants to talk about the future: how things will be when he gets out, how we should go about getting married, what he will do for a job, etc. 

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