
Long time, no see.

Well hi there. You might remember me. I started a blog forever ago and then only made a handful of posts.

You see, what happened was, I went on a cruise. Best. Vacation. Ever. And when I got back, I was so busy uploading pictures, buying gifts, baking cookies, and basically just reliving all the events of the cruise in my mind, that I totally forgot about posting on my blog. So, what I'm gonna do is try to wrap up the enchantment of those 11 days at sea into one little (or not so little) blog post. Here goes nothing:

When we boarded the Explorer of the Seas, I was amazed by how much bigger this ship was compared to the one we were on for our last cruise. It had a bigger arcade, bigger promenade, a Johnny Rockets, a theater room, an ice skating rink, bigger theater, and a bigger Windjammer (which is like a cafeteria but waaay nicer). Everything was bigger and better. Little did I know, the times to be had on this cruise were also going to be bigger and better. ;) (Like my attempt at being dramatic?)

For starters, the first night of our cruise, my mom went to the bathroom. When she pushed the button to flush the toilet, it didn't flush. So she pushed it again. Still, nothing. Then a few seconds later, the toilet made a weird sound. All the sudden, water was gushing out of the bottom of the toilet. Not over flowing, but the pipe or something was broken. I wasn't sure whether to panic or laugh. I chose both. While laughing, I raced to pick up our suit cases and everything out of the closet, which I had just finished putting ALL of my clothes, shoes, and accessories into. So we called maintenance and they had to shut our water off. Our floor was soaked. Turns out the guests who had our room before us flushed some things that aren't meant to be flushed. Was it gross? Yes. But it made for a very memorable first night. And the cruise line gave us 10% off of our next cruise. Winning.

The last couple of nights, my mom and I went to the club. Yeah, that sounds weird. But it was just a place where people hung out and danced. Not a nasty sleaze fest like most clubs. (Not that I would know, just basing that off of what I've heard.) While we were there, we saw these asian brothers that we had seen throughout the cruise. They saw my purity ring (which looks like an engagement ring) and asked my mom if I was engaged. She told them no, and one of them (Derek) came up to me anyway. He grabbed my hand and said "are you engaged?'. I told him no. And then he seemed really confused on why I was wearing a ring on that finger. Pretty soon, a ton of people had come up to me, asking me about my purity ring. It was really cool. Anywho, throughout the night he came over a couple times to dance with me. When the club closed, my mom and I went upstairs to get some pizza. We were about to talk and laugh about all that had happened when wouldn't ya know, the brothers show up and sit down with us. We ended up talking for a reaaaaally long time. We found out they live in NY and joked that we'd have to have dinner with them next time we were there. We quickly found out that they are some of the funniest and smoothest people we've ever met. The next day, there was a salsa dance class. Derek came and attempted to be my partner. He still thinks he was a beast at it. ;) That night after we danced at the club again, we stayed up late and talked to them and some other people, just like the night before. Pretty cool people. We still keep in touch. We actually went to visit my friend Amy who lives in NY, and we had dinner with them like we had joked about. We also went bowling and sang karaoke. It's pretty funny how we're now friends with these people, who we thought we would never see again.

Among other things on the cruise, here is, in a nutshell, some of the fun we had:
Golfing in heels is really hard.
Singing Aaron's Party Come Get It.
We went to one of the top ten beaches in the world, ziplined, got tans :), danced a LOT, had a ton of fun with the cruise staff, played trivia, met a couple who had been on 14 cruises just in 2011, sang karaoke to an Aaron Carter song (video to come on facebook), learned how to salsa dance, taught everyone in the club the "wobble", took tons of pretty pictures of scenery, ate amazing stir fry and other food, made friends with all of our awesome waiters :), got a raspberry daiquiri, saw amazing ice skaters, played putt putt golf in high heels and a skirt, met a guy named Owen who looked just like Matt Damon, and a ton of other stuff that would take forever to write about. 
Owen (Matt Damon) and his brother Mitch.
I hope you didn't get too bored reading about my whole trip. I honestly don't care if you read it at all. I just really needed to write down all of the excitement and fun I had, even if it gets read by no one.
 But, if by chance you did read it, thanks for taking time out of your day to do that. :)

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