
Heejun, my love life, and the circus.

I haven't been posting things lately. And that gets on my own nerves. I guess I just let all these thoughts pile up in my head and then when I go to write them, it gets overwhelming and I end up writing way more than I had planned. But today I'm going to give a brief update on my life and I promise I'll try (emphasis on try) to keep it short. Well, shorter than the rest.

I've started reading the book "When God Writes Your Love Story". Life changing book right there. So over the course of the past week or two, I've given up my love life to God. I mean He's the creator of all things. So when you think about it, why wouldn't I just let Him have control over it in the first place? His way is perfect and He'll bring me a guy who is everything I could hope for. But making this decision is way easier said than done. It's relatively easy to give up a single life and let God bring you someone. But, what if you already have a relationship-that's-not-technically-a-relationship-thing going on? Talk about a struggle. So I've had to try to explain these thoughts to a certain person in my life who has become really close to me lately (you can connect the dots on what I'm getting at there) and not going to lie, it was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. But I feel so much peace now that I've given God control. And everyday I get more and more excited that someday I'll meet and fall in love with someone who was created to be with me.

It's the time of year again! Yep. American Idol! Usually I end up more frustrated at the show than happy with it. But that was before Heejun Han auditioned. If you are lost right now and you think I just hit a bunch of random keys, I didn't. Right now, you need to watch the video posted above. After you do, you will see why I love this guy so much. I seriously am praying that he will win. Not only is he freaking hilarious, but his voice just gives me chills. My mother and I are now in superfan mode and just this morning she made a twitter so she can follow him. Also, he is a Christian. Can he get any better? Love you Heejun! <3

In other news, I've started doing Zumba. Not an actual class that you take in public. Where people can see you looking foolish. We got the Wii game. Let me tell you, I feel it working. My body is sore. But I'm happy about that. 

Last night I went to the circus with my cousins and my little two year old cousin Ellie. Cutest little girl ever if you ask me. I realized that I don't think I'll ever fully grow up. At least not on the inside. I was still captivated by the little dogs doing jumps and turns, and, excuse my lack of knowing their actual title, the people who are in those circles that rotate and they jump rope and do flips in them. I sincerely hope that you know what I'm talking about, because that is the best way I can describe them. My apologies. 

Tomorrow, the girls from my youth group and I are going to see The Vow. *insert cliche girly squeal* I'm predicting it to be my favorite movie. Channing Tatum. That's all that needs said. But add in Rachel McAdams, one of my favorite actresses, and a sappy, unique story inspired by true events, and the result is one very gleeful Allison. 

Alright, well the post wasn't THAT short. But it also wasn't my longest post either. I'm coming to the conclusion that I like to write a whole lot more than I thought I did. 

1 comment:

  1. So true about the love story thing!!

    Let me know how The Vow goes!!! I heard its based on a true story!! :)
