
Goodwill, fedora, Bazinga.

Let's talk about Monday. 

Ah, yes, Monday was "a beautiful day on Delmarva" as they like to say around here. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. Actually, I didn't actually notice if any birds were singing. But it's spring and that's what they do, so it makes sense right? Plus, it adds flare to my story. 

I had been itching to go to Goodwill lately, and just my luck, on Monday we needed to go to Salisbury (which is a town with a niiiice Goodwill, for those of you who don't live around here). I was expecting to land one or two really good finds. After thoroughly browsing the store for about an hour, and two trips to the fitting room, the conclusion is that I made out like a bandit. In my joy, I feel like sharing photos with you. Mind you, I took them with my phone, so they are not up to par with my regular work.
In order from left to right: American Eagle roll up jeans with a hole (which I've wanted for quite some time now), American Eagle jeans that fit so perfect, it's like they were made just for me, a Gap jacket, brown pinstripe Mossimo shorts, A.N.A brand shirt which happens to look really cute on me, and a collared tank that is sorta-kinda vintage looking. :)

I also went to Target a.k.a. the happiest place on earth, on Monday. 
I got a swim suit top (which I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep) and a pair of black shorts.

OH! Also, my brother was at Kohl's and he found a Bazinga shirt in my size. So he got it for me. 
:) x8549038.
This led to everyone saying "bazinga" as soon as they saw me when I wore this shirt to youth group on Tuesday. But no one said it right. You have to say it like Sheldon or else it fails. If you feel out of the loop on this whole bazinga thing, this might help you out:

And last but not least, Monday was also good because I wore my fedora and I ate at Olive Garden with my family.


Life lately.

I got a photo editing app for my mac. It's called Analog and we're going to live happily ever after.

In other news, I've been doing things that I pin on pinterest. Finally.
Mason jars are incredibly crafty. :)

So are sticks that fell out of the tree in our yard.

As well as the "nail-polish-that-you-bought-and-then-found-out-that-the-colors-don't-turn-out-how-you-thought-so-it-just-sits-in-your-bathroom-un-used."


I've realized that I tend to start out all of my blog posts the same way. I say that it's been a while since my last post and I explain why. My conclusion is that I don't post for a number of reasons:

a) Nothing post-worthy has happened to me since the last post
b) Something really exciting has happened to me since the last post and I've been to busy to write about it.
c) Something extremely exciting has happened to me since the last post and I have too many happy thoughts in my mind to try to write them all down or to do them justice.

When I don't post for a while, I feel compelled to write a monstrous post about everything that has happened since, and I feel like only really bored, lonely, single people would have the time/care enough to read the whole thing. I decided to write a couple posts this time instead of a never ending one. Nevertheless, here goes another glimpse of my mind.

If you know me, you know about my involvement with TeenPact Leadership Schools. If you don't know what that is, then why are you reading this? Are you sure you even know who I am? 
You'll have to go figure out what it is on your own. It's not just something you can explain with a mere couple of sentences.
Also, if you know me at all, you will know that I was devastated in November, when I found out some reasons that I wasn't chosen to staff the class. I still haven't figured out how some of those things were issues. Needless to say, it definitely made its mark on me. 
 March made it's way here which brings lots of excitement for me, being its the month of TeenPact. It's safe to say that TP is my favorite thing in the world. Besides Jesus. But He's in heaven, so He doesn't count as a thing in the world, right?
Well, the class this year was marvelous. We had such a fun staff team. They kept me laughing all week. I was elected governor and gave a speech about chasing after God instead of running from Him, when we feel like we've failed Him. After our graduation, I stayed a while longer talking to everyone (as I do in every other situation in my life as well). I was about to leave when Tifft and Hannah asked if they could talk to me. They then told me how much they appreciated how I stepped up and got everyone involved and all that jazz. And then it happened. They asked me to help staff the one day class. 
Pause. Let's take a trip inside of my brain at this moment it time. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to bawl tears of sheer joy. I was in shock, because I had thought God hadn't wanted me to staff. The result? I ended up with a big retarded smile on my face and trying not to proclaim my joy to the rest of the world Dover, Delaware.
So on Friday, March 23rd, I staffed my first TeenPact class. 
:) x5978723
I was blown away by the way the young kids stepped up! They prayed for things that I wouldn't have even thought of. They had such an excitement on the scavenger hunt. And they really shocked me when they asked questions and made amendments during TP leg. (Short for TeenPact Legislature)
I'm still at a loss for words when I try to thank God for what He did that week.