
my favorite year.

when i decided to start a blog, i thought i would be writing a post every day or at least every other day.
oh, life.

how wrong was i.

god took me on a lot of unexpected journeys this year. and they've all be marvelous, don't get me wrong. those endeavors have just left me with no time to blog. 

but at the moment, i have found a window of time to write a little update of these journeys and adventures that have made this year my favorite out of the previous eighteen.

in no particular order, here is a glimpse of my mind, rather, a glimpse of my life thus far in my favorite year. 

i worked at legislative hall in dover, delaware for my state senator in the democratic caucus. there i learned that being republican or democrat means very little. little about that person's life and little about their beliefs and political actions. i found that most of the democrats were more personable than a majority of the republicans and they are not actually out to destroy the world as i was led to believe. i made some new friends. i learned even more about government. i got to dress up every day. i got a lot of free food and gifts. this experience is one of my favorites of the year. 

i staffed the teenpact one day class. i don't have words for this one. just this smiley face: :') and a photo.

i spent a week at the beach in north carolina. and went a majority of that week without makeup. 'twas refreshing. and i also died a streak of hair purple.

i personally asked u.s. senator, jim demint, a question. what an adrenaline rush. and i got to hear kirk cameron, michelle bachmann, and paul ryan speak.

i accomplished my goal of trying to dress fashionably.

callie and i recorder covers of songs and put them on youtube.
[skip to the second verse on this one.]

i was asked to join my church praise team thanks to the previous statement. ^

i was asked to speak in front of 600 people.

i made a few new best friends.

and another special friend ;)

i got new glasses. 

i got to meet heejun han, colton dixon, phillip phillips, and a few other idol contestants.
more than once. :)
i turned 19.

i ran for senate at teenpact national convention.

i spent a weekend at the beach with the best people alive.

our family got a new doggy.

i got a temporary job working where my mom works. i will miss it and the rest of my photography team. but i will not miss waking up at ungodly hours.

i got my first car. her name is katerina.

so there you have it folks, that's what i've been up to. see you in a couple months. i'm sure that's the next time i'll get around to posting.


  1. You're absolutely adorable, Allison! I love the way you write. It looks like quite a year. :)

    1. That? Coming from you? That may be he biggest compliment I've ever received.
