
to do list: 2013 edition

if you know me at all, you know i'm a list maker.
my life feels dull when i don't make lists.

i think the whole idea of "new years resolutions" is rather cliche. and i'm not a fan of cliche. but since i fancy list-making, i put down on paper some goals and adventures i'm hoping to take part in over this next year of life.

*dye my hair ombre.
exactly like this ^

*visit my best friend, Emmy who lives in New Hampshire and Massachusetts (yes, both), because she goes on millions of adventures.
like alice in wonderland themed photo shoots^

and she has whimsical places like this^

*road trip to Richmond, VA with this gorgeous boy:

to see my TeenPact friends and go to Busch Gardens

*start a fashion blog. i'm now accepting name suggestions. (hint hint i'm desperate seriously help me)

*start exercising. 
i want abs.
i also want to be able to fight back when john and i play wrestle. currently, he just grabs my hands and holds me there and i can't get out of it, leaving me helpless.
like this^

*get serious about selling Mary Kay makeup. 
i'm officially a beauty consultant, so if you need makeup, i'm your girl.

*pay cash for more, instead of using my debit card.

*grow my photography business.

*blog at least once a month.
even if the post is two sentences. not posting will not do.

*start saving money.
for traveling and...other things.

*learn how to cook.
when i eventually get married, i'll have to cook dinner. and the proverbs 31 woman does her husband good all the days of her life. so in short, by learning to cook, i'm doing my husband good.

*get a new camera lens: nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8

friends and family: keep me accountable, cause i am serious about doing every single one of these.

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