
right there.

If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath. (Psalm 34:18 MSG)

I've found that verse to be nothing but true during John's time in Teen Challenge so far. There are countless stories of God stepping in and bringing peace, comfort, and joy, but due to certain circumstances I don't share every single one. But there is one specific time that was too incredible not to share with you. 

Last Thursday was my office's Halloween party. If you didnt know, John had also started working for my same company about a month before everything happened. Every fall there is a new group of new hires and John was one of the best out of the group, ask anyone. 

The party mostly consisted of everyone getting group photos or ones with their favorite co workers, etc. There was one time when someone suggested to get a picture of all of the new people from this season. As they all made their way in front of the camera and posed, it made me feel awful. That was strange for me because I have honestly not felt upset or sad a whole lot during this time. But seeing everyone there, without John, who was one of the best, it killed me. I almost began to cry, which if you know me, I don't like to cry in front of anyone. 

I went to the bathroom and got myself together, still feeling pretty miserable but not wanting to burst into tears anymore. I prayed to God knowing He is the only one who can turn things around when I feel this way. I remember saying "God this is so hard. Please please please do something. I don't want to feel like this."

I came out of the bathroom and went to check my phone since I hadn't kept it on me during the party. I had my phone in my hand for a literal two seconds when it vibrated. A text from my Uncle Mark. I figured he would be asking me to do something for church. I've never been more glad to be wrong. 

"Hey Allison I was just talking to John.. He wanted me to tell you hi and that he loves you and wants me to hug you for him :-)"

I screamed. And then if you know me you can guess that the next thing I did was screamed for my mom. Of course she was just as excited as I was. 

That week was one of the more difficult ones. My aunt and uncle visit John every Sunday and always give us the updates. But the Sunday before was our church harvest party, so they couldn't go see him. I had almost been two weeks without hearing anything and it did not do my heart or my mind much good. And i was starting to feel forgotten because he's so excited and into all of his new brothers in Christ there. And since we can't talk it's hard to feel like he still loves me just as much as he always has sometimes. 

But God saw my hurt and was right there with me. I really don't know how there are people in the world who live without Jesus. How do they make it through anything?

Until next time folks!

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