

A little while ago I asked you all if you had any questions for me pertaining to this whole situation...and not one of you asked anything. Good job everyone! (Yes, that was sarcastic) Outside of that, I get asked a few questions on a pretty much regular basis. I'll go ahead and answer those because, if you're like almost everyone else, you're probably wondering too. 

• (This is one people ask me all the time.) Are you still getting married?

Yes, we are still definitely getting married. I didn't stick around and go through everything in the past seven months just to be friends with John and I surely didn't do it because it's fun. Before John and I even entered into a relationship, God had showed we would get married. So in some ways, I sort of view him as my husband already because I know he will be. The Proverbs 31 woman does her husband good all the days of her life, including before their marriage. I am here to do whatever I have to to support him, encourage him, and help him continue to live as he is right now. I am not worried about past hurt, broken trust, chances of relapse, or all the criticism we are sure to receive (and already have). I am confident this is what God has called me to do, so if I follow the Lord's leading, He will take prefect care of every little thing. 

• Similar to the first question, Have you set another date?

No. And setting a date is not a priority. The first time around, we were so excited to get married that we didn't properly prepare in many areas, and the stress of it was a big contributer to John using drugs. He and I didn't talk about it about this issue as much as other things, but I know for me, my first priority is to make sure John stays strong in The Lord. I don't want him rushing to get established after his graduation. I want to make sure we keep our focus on God and do things the right way. The lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. (Psalms 37:23 NLT) He is more than able to guide us where we need to go and show us the right time to get married. 

What is John planning to do when he graduates?

He isn't sure. God hasn't showed that to him yet. He has a couple different options for where he can live and work. What I do know is that he wants to have time where he can meet with certain men he's met while in Teen Challenge on a regular. And it's clear that John is going to be in ministry at some point. But as of right now, no definite plans. 

How can I be praying for you?

Well that all depends on what day it is. When I asked John that question, he said the hardest part about the program is being with guys and only guys all the time. I know he would really appreciate prayer for direction and wisdom for what to do after graduation. Recently he has been struggling with missing me and getting bummed out, knowing that other guys who have graduated come to our church and get to hang out with me and my family. He's also a bit upset that he can't do fun things with us this summer, like go to the beach. For us as a couple, pray that we would just keep growing and letting The Lord guide us in every area. This time in our lives has been incredible and I don't want it to be for nothing. 

So that ends our q&a time. But seriously if you have any questions, you can ask me. I love sharing about this situation because I know how it's encouraged and helped people. 

I'll finish with this exciting thought:
It's that point in time where we are planning certain things that John will actually be here for. Our family takes a trip to a Spruce Lake every year around New Years. The other day my dad was telling me that he put the deposit down for this year's trip. And it hit me - John will be there too. I've gotten so used to John not physically being in our lives, it's so exciting to imagine him being around all the time. But I'm more excited for him to be here for the little things. Sitting beside him in church, him genuinely laughing when I try really hard to be funny, hearing and seeing that perfect giggle of his, calling him when I have an awful day. Instead of just being a part of our lives, he'll be in our lives. 


^that's an understatement. 

*4 and 1/2 more months left you guys!!

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