

Hey guys! I know it's been a really long time since I've written anything, but as always, I have a reason. I got some exciting news but didn't want to share it until it was official.

Today is a very special day, just like the 16th of any month, but today marks John's 9th month in Teen Challenge! It's another big mile stone. He is 3/4 of the way finished, 3 months away from graduating. This specific marker, however, is probably the most happy one so far. A few weeks ago, I was told that John and I got permission for me to come into the center once a month for counseling, starting after his 9th month (if you've been paying attention, that means TODAY). 

I don't know what we will specifically going over during this counseling. It could be for marriage, to work through the past, or to get prepared for the future. I'll probably find out when I get there haha. Whatever we talk about though, it means I'll get to see and talk to my love. It also makes these last few months easier because I won't have to go an extended period of time without seeing him again. If the counseling thing hadn't happened we wouldn't have seen each other until mid July for his 10 month break. And then another gap until his graduation on September 26th. Now, I'll see him once a month (if all goes according to plan), and for a weekend in July. 

There is no set date yet as to when we will start, but even the fact that it's allowed is exciting. If you've talked to me about the whole me coming in for counseling and to visit thing in recent months, I've just been saying "I keep praying for The Lord's favor in that area." It's so incredible to see how God has blessed us since we've turned our lives back to Him and gotten back on track. I really can't tell you how ecstatic I am about it. When I found out, I cried on the phone with my mom, and I don't cry in front of people (aside from when I saw The Fault In Our Stars, but we won't talk about that or I'll cry again). It wasn't something I was expecting or trying to find out answers about. I just let God handle that part and trusted in His will. And even if something should happen and we can't do the counseling, I'll still have peace about it, because God is in control. 

Thank you to everyone who continually prays for us, checks in on us, and asks about us! It means so much to me, even the littlest things. A lot of BIG things are going to happen in the next 3 months and even after that. I can't wait to let you all know! Love you guys and happy 9 months!!

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