

just thought i'd take a few moments to tell you about a guy named john.

i met john in october. 
well technically, we met back in 2007, but it was just once and he doesn't remember it at all.

eventually we started to like each other. it was inevitable. everyone knew we were gonna end up together.

it was like this: i liked him. he liked me. he didn't know i liked him. i wasn't positive he liked me. but i just had the feeling that we were gonna get together at some point. he thought i had no idea he liked me. i thought he knew i liked him because to everyone else on earth, it was obvious.

one day i had a birthday party. after opening up my gifts, john put his arm around me and walked me over to the corner. 
here's a glimpse of my stomach and brain at this point:

P.S. here's us at the party:

he said he had a gift for me but it was somewhere else. he told me a riddle and i had to solve it to figure out where my gift was. after some questions i found out my gift was on my bed at my house. so for the next two hours of my birthday party, i cared about nothing else than hopping in my car and getting my butt home. and when i finally did, this was waiting for me. 

those flowers are gerber daisies. which in an earlier conversation i mentioned were my favorite. it had a card that said *front* "on your birthday i'd like to give you the world..." *inside* "...but my heart will have to do." he also wrote some adorable stuff inside that made me smile for days.

from there, we got serious about getting to know each other with the intention of dating sometime soon. there was a lot of teasing, wrestling, and long talks. there was also a love letter. i've never gotten one of those before. :) i won't can't tell you what it said because someone (john) doesn't want me telling everyone.

so i'm all like "this guy wins the award for being the most adorable, sweetest, thoughtful boy to ever walk the face of this earth."

after about a month, i knew it was coming. he was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. but when? it made me 20 times more nervous to be around him cause it could happen at any moment.

well, good things happen when you least expect them right? right.
so december 9th, after prayer group at our church on sunday night, in the middle of mcdonald's in delmar, delaware (we were sitting in the literal middle of mcdonald's), john asked me to be his girl. and it was one of the funniest, most memorable moments of my life.
he said he wanted to wait until we took the trip to spruce lake, but he couldn't wait. and i didn't care. 

excited, i called my mom to tell her since she always wants to talk. 
no answer.
"i'll text emmy, she's always on her phone" no reply.
"ok, christa will be so excited for me" no answer.
"i have to tell amy" no answer.
i would like to thank my cousin christina for being the only person to answer their phone when something good happens to me.

since then, life's been as jolly as jolly can get.

and everyday he gets sweeter and romantic-er. (no, i don't care that romantic-er is not a word)

for christmas he got me a pair of gorgeous earrings and a quaint little book with little diary entries, song lyrics, and letters he'd written since the day he asked me to be his.

somedays it feels like i'm living in a movie. sort of like a nicholas sparks one, minus someone dying. how'd i get so blessed? i can't even tell you how much joy he brings me. it blows my mind that a person as beautiful as him wants to be with me. like seriously, the boy looks at me like the sun shines out of my bum and i can't fathom why. so, to all the boys who led me on and the ones who broke my heart, thank you from the bottom of my heart. cause if we were still together, i would have never known what it feels like to be treated like a girl should, like a princess. i would have never had the absolute pleasure of knowing johnathan matthew shaver.

i just had to write this and brag on him. i'm the luckiest girl in the world. and he's the cutest thing ever. and to toot my own horn, i think we are freaking adorable together. 

"you're more than a lover, there could never be another, to make me feel the way you do. and ohhh we just get closer, i fall in love all over, every time i look at you. i don't know where i'd be, without you here with me. life with you makes perfect sense, you're my best friend."

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