
TPNC12 // The memories.

I used to think that it was better to share my stories and memories in chronological order.
But I forget stuff and have to go back. 

Without further adieu, here's the fun times that were had at National Convention and Meghan's weekend-long-birthday-after-party. (In no particular order)

I played Christmas music on the Martin's piano with Evan cause we couldn't remember any other songs.
I learned how to catch a frisbee, twirl like a ballerina, and throw it back.
We sang along to the Prince of Egypt soundtrack.
We couldn't breathe when we pulled up to Fort Bluff.
I made it out of primaries.
We did a fireball challenge.
I ate Nutella with Meghan and Callie off of a piece of a styrofoam cup.
Our team lost the volleyball tournament.
I found out from Eli that I pronounce "tournament" wrong.
I was informed that I have an accent.
I spoke in front of 500+ people. Twice.
Emmy flung orange juice into me and John's eyes.
Emmy spilled her drink all over the place. Twice.
Callie and I planked.
We had a cone of safety. 
I ate jalepeno pretzels and there was no water left.
Callie and I got fake nose rings.
We all got froyo.
We sang Call Me Maybe a billion times.
Evan, Habel, and I drove for 5+ hours in Toby's car to Ocean City.
Circle of honesty. Enough said.
The guys asked us questions about how girls think. And vice versa.
Emmy and I slow danced to Enchanted.
The girls in my room helped me figure out what to say for open forum. Hilarious.
"Most def totes presh"
We went to Wawa at 2 am.
We found out Eli can say "Vas Happenin'" like Zayn Malik.
Also, he's a One Direction fan. :)
Joe got really bad sunburn.
Toby and Evan tried to get me into the ocean.
I let my friends bury me in the sand.
Toby and I allllmost succeeded in doing the lift from Dirty Dancing.
We played "Class or Swag"
Fangirled over the Venture commercial.
Fangirled over No Direction singing Elect Me Maybe.
Toby taught us how to ballroom dance.
We went star tipping.
Had a Back to DC reunion dinner and played pterodactyl.
Hayden acted like he was in a movie and totally tricked me when the dump truck drove by. (You had to be there. I can explain it better in person.)
Sang Jubilate Deo with the Endeavor girls.
Toby is a wimp when it comes to hot food. And he can see into your soul.
Eli talks very emphatically. Like a staffer.
Played glow in the dark frisbee.
Evan read riddles to the van.
Toby flipped Callie in the sand.
Deep heart to heart conversations.
We all felt awkward wearing swimsuits in front of TeenPacters.
I can't read my gps on my phone.
We played Mow. Joe still doesn't get it.
Evan, Toby, and I took spontaneous stops to Georgia House and my brother's co op and played ultimate with fellow TPers. We also watched She's The Man.
Video diaries.
"Quesadillas for my boyfriend"
My small group played signs.
We got little sleep.
Toby got everyone sick. ;)

"For all Your goodness I will keep on singing, ten thousand reasons for my heart to find."

The "theme song" of the week was 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman.
NC truly gave me 10,000 reasons to bless the Lord. 10,000 reasons to smile over and over again. My heart is overflowing with joy. Thank you, Lord.

*My brain is on overload. If I think of any more, I'll post them later. If you have any that I forgot, tell me!

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