
TPNC12 // GO!

Ya know how I said I've been wanting to make my posts shorter?
That's not happening today.
Wanna know why?
I'm blogging about National Convention 2012!

Where do I even begin?

Let's start with the feeling I got upon arriving at Fort Bluff on May 20th. This was my third time pulling into the driveway of this camp, seeing other TeenPacters charging toward the vehicle with signs exclaiming "Welcome to National Convention 2012!". But, this time was much different. This time, I new more TeenPacters, I was running for Senate, I had changed a lot, and I knew a whole new experience was in store. 
The moment of arriving at TPNC12 is an unexplainable one. There are no words. Just a million emotions ranging from nervous to excitement some people only feel on their wedding day. And no, I'm not exaggerating. It seemed like at least an hour from the start of the driveway to registration which was set up by the dining hall. In a split second after the vehicle stopped moving, all 18 people in our van fought to get out as if the car was going to explode. As each of us set foot on the precious ground, the TeenPacters who were already there started applauding us. I'm still not sure why, but that's ok cause I sort of felt like a pop star. 

The next hours that followed are a blur of sheer joy. My heart is smiling just thinking about it all. There were screams when I saw dear friends that I hadn't seen since we'd said goodbye at this very same place exactly one year ago. There was excitement when I found who was in my room. There was frustration when I couldn't find my campaign material box. There was laughter when my new friend Emmy and I wondered around aimlessly putting up campaign posters. There was relief when Evan found my box of campaign shirts. (I owe you big time Evan). 
With each long lost friend that I reunited with, my heart leapt. 

After I lugged my suitcase to the second floor of the girls lodge (I swear that thing weighed more than me), I was free to go roaming around. I smiled like a fool when reliving the memories in my mind upon seeing the various places we had created them last year. That made me even more excited for the new memories I knew I would soon be making. 

The theme of the week was GO!
Go in faith. Go somewhere. Go and do likewise. Go and make disciples. Go in peace. Go home.
Our focus was on sharing the gospel and throughout our very short week, we learned how to live that out in practical ways.

From our many powerful and thought provoking speakers, I took away many things. (I also took MANY notes.) Here are some things that stood out to me and challenged how I live:

//Having faith allows us to take risks.\\
//Hold on to your plans lightly and let God direct your path.\\
//Loving people is a reflection of our love for God. The evidence of your love for God is in your love for people.\\
//"Love God and do what you please." When we love God entirely, our desires with be aligned with His, and what we do will please Him.\\
//We have to deal with uncomfortable things to go where God wants us. We need to be ready to have our plans dismantled.\\
//The things we do now need to be spring boards for something greater.\\
//If God can meet our greatest need (a relationship with Him), how can He not meet out lesser needs?\\
//Drown the evil pleasures of the world with the greater pleasure of God.\\ 

The things mentioned above are just a glimpse of what God taught me that week. I learned countless other things through the people in my small group, during rendezvous, and through simple conversations at meals. However, there's one thing that I heard that week that is the most important thing in the world to me. If I were a tattoo kind of girl, it would be on me somewhere. I want to write it everywhere so that I don't forget it.

One day during the week, we heard of the impact of Jimmy Brazell. Jimmy was a TeenPacter. I had never met him, only heard great things of him. 
Last August, Jimmy went to be with Jesus. Ever since that day, his life has been a shining example of what it means to live and love like Jesus. 
Jimmy's brother, Christian, shared with us about his life. He said how he had written once, "My goal in life is to bring everyone I meet one step closer to Christ". Among many other powerful things that we were inspired by, this by far changed my life more than any other.
Although I never got the chance to meet Jimmy, I am so thankful for his life, and for the chance to become friends with his dear sister, Rachel. Anyone who knows his story is impacted by it and I am so grateful that I am one of the many who has heard of and been changed by his incredible legacy of love. Thank you, Jimmy.

Now, the week has come and gone in the blink of an eye and I'm filled with another unexplainable feeling. This feeling is one I only get after leaving National Convention. It's a mixture of joy, for the memories and relationships made. Awe, for everything that God did through the week (way too much to write here.). Anxiousness, for the coming opportunities to live out what I've learned. Sadness, for leaving the world's best people and the place that is like a second home to me. And excitement, for the fact that in just 12 months, I'll get to do it all again. 

But I wouldn't trade that complicated, unexplainable feeling for anything in this world.

"My goal in life is to bring everyone I meet one step closer to Christ."

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