
Bon Voyage

I haven't posted anything in forever. That is partly due to the fact that it was Thanksgiving and that tomorrow our family is leaving for our cruise!!

Here's just a taste of what I did since the last post:

My aunt had back surgery last monday night so on Thanksgiving we went to visit her. She was kind of loopy from all of the medicine, but it was really funny. I got a sub from Subway in the cafeteria, which also made me very happy. A lot of funny stuff happened while we were at the hospital, but I can't really write about it. Darn. Just know, it was funny.

Black Friday shopping! YEUH! My mom and I started out at Walmart at 10 pm on Thursday night. We got movies there but not much else. From there we ventured on to Old Navy and waited in line for it to open at midnight. My mom and I played guess who in line. It's basically like 20 questions, but with people, and you can ask as many questions as you want. I laughed so much playing that. That might just be because it was late at night and I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. After Old Navy was Target, then the mall, then Kmart, back to the mall, then we wrapped it up at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Actually, I slept in the car while my mom was in Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I was wiped. 
When I got home I slept for 5 hours. It felt glorious.

Titanic was on tv Sunday night. Probably not the wisest choice to watch it 4 days before you go on a cruise. But nowadays the ships have enough life boats so I feel safe. Oh, but the movie did serious emotional damage to me. I saw the movie once when I was in 3rd grade, but hadn't seen it since. It is heart wrenching. That is the only way I know how to describe it! I cried so hard. Harder than I have when I've gotten broken up with. And then the next day, I cried some more. I just don't understand why someone would write a story like that. The true part is already devastating enough. Oh, and btw, there was room for both of them on the door! Anyways, at the same time, I love the movie. It's the cutest love story of all if you ask me. If you can get past the thought of what happens at the end, while you're watching the romantic parts.

Not much has happened this week though. Just a ton of packing (most of which I've already had done for a week). 

I made 3 different ringtones of the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Amazing song right therr. You should check it out. Right now. Go On.

Why are you still reading this? Didn't I tell you to go check out that song^?

I got my eyebrows waxed today! Is it weird that I like doing that? Well, I like it. :P My eyebrows grow so fast and it's hard to keep up with them. So it makes me happy when I don't have to spend forever in front of a mirror with tweezers for them to look nice.

I'm pretty much too tired to remember anything else that I would have otherwise posted. But I did want to write something before I leave for vacation for 11 days.

See ya when I get back! :) Toodloo.

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