
Well, Hello There.

I've decided to start a blog. 
Yep! That's right. 
And I have no idea what I'm doing. 
I honestly thought blogs were dumb for the most part. That was until I came to the realization that I had way to many "I should post that on facebook" moments. 
So this is the place where I decided to post my thoughts of each day.
(Well, not each day. I'm sure there will be days that I just don't feel the umph to do it.)
This will be a sort of "journal" or "diary" for me. So in a year or so from now I can look back and remember things from a certain day. And hopefully, giggle. A lot.
So without further adieu, I give you these "glimpses of my mind".
I hope you enjoy them. Or at least find them somewhat amusing.

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