
Friends, Fire Place, & Fashion.

I actually went tanning today. 20 points to me for not procrastinating as usual. :)

I watched some of Serendipity today. Sitting in front of my fire place. :) But then all of the sudden the sound stopped working on our tv so I turned it off. Sad face. 

I just realized that my posts usually mention my fire place at least once. We just got it about two weeks ago and I just love it so much. We've never had one before but we've always wanted one. We found one on sale one day and jumped on that bandwagon. 

The Christmas station on Sirius XM hasn't been playing good songs. That makes me a tad angry. They are pretty much all slow songs that almost put me to sleep.

My Aunt Audrey is getting neck surgery tomorrow morning. It's a really long surgery and she'll be in the hospital for a few days. She won't even be home for Thanksgiving. :( If you're reading this, could you please pray for her? I would really appreciate it! 

I started packing for the cruise today. Random fact about me: I love to pack. Probably because I LOVE to travel. Because of that, I like to start packing more than a week before trips that I go on. It makes me feel like I'm gong sooner I guess. And it gets me really excited for the trip. 
Only 10 days btw. :D

I had some pumpkin pie while watching Friends today. 
I had forgotten just how funny that show is. Well, not forgotten. You can't really forget how funny that show is. But I did realize that I don't watch it nearly as much as I would like to. I'm convinced that it's the funniest show ever created. Aside from Modern Family, of course.

For the past month or so, I've been working on trying to be more stylish. And if you ask me, it's going pretty well. I think I always had it in me to be stylish. I just never really cared that much. That was until I started reading Kendi Everyday. That girl is my hero. A lot of my inspiration comes from her blog. Any who, I kinda had a mini fashion show with myself tonight along with my little packing party.

My mom fell asleep at 8 o'clock tonight. 8! That was crazy. I know that really doesn't have anything to do with me, but I just had to let someone know how crazy I thought that was.

I discovered earlier this evening as I was recording a new voice mail message, that my voice mail icon has failed to show on my screen when I have messages. I found out that I had 4 unread voice messages! I felt so bad, cause the people who left me messages probably think I'm just some teenager who hates to talk on the phone. Totally not true though. So if you left me a message and I didn't get back to you, my apologies. It's my stupid phone's fault.

Pentatonix made it through to the finals on The Sing Off. *insert girly excited squeal here*

Oh, what I said about the radio station earlier, I guess it doesn't totally suck. They just played All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber.

That's all for tonight folks, hope your day was kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck-fantastic! (^Friends reference :P)
No, seriously. I really do hope you had a good day.

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