
Busy Weekend!

Well, I am sorry, (mostly to myself), that I haven't posted anything since my first post. Sad face. I've had a string of busy days. Good busy though. Let us recap, shall we?

(In no particular order)

While sitting in the Chick-fil-A drive through, I realized that that was the first time I had personally ever driven through that drive through.

I went shopping. *Merriment!* I spent tons of my birthday and photo shoot money. The result: 3 skirts, 1 boat neck tee, 1 adorably amazing polka dot scarf, a birthday present for my favorite dad, 1 pair of boots (I feel like Anna Heritage when I wear them :P), a cardigan, a belt (which needs some more holes), sunglasses for my family cruise, and one very gleeful Allison.

There are only 11 more days until our cruise. I am indescribably excited.

I went to my Aunt Christine's house for a movie night with some youth group girls. Aside from me, all the girls who came were new to our youth group, so it was really fun to get to know them all better. We made cookies and watch Unaccompanied Minors. LOVE that movie. It's one of those Christmas movies that you can watch year round. Like Elf.

I took my aunt's (mentioned above) family pictures. They turned out beautifully, as if that's a surprise to anyone. My aunt is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Inside and out. I know. That sounds incredibly cheesy, and I hate that. But it is true. I can only hope to be like her when I grow up. Now that I've ranted on about how I admire my aunt, let's get off of this rabbit trail and back on the main road... So, at one point during the shoot, my cousin Gabby was holding on to a tree. It looked really cute so I walked onto the piece of ground that was below her to snap a shot, when my feet sunk into the wet ground. I felt like I was in sinking sand. It was hilarious though, and it was even better because my laughing buddy (Uncle Mark) was with me.

I went to my church's progressive dinner. If you don't know what that is, google it, and then do one. So we were on our way to the house where the main course was and our car broke down. So we had to wait for my uncle to leave the house where everyone else already was, and come get us. I was so angry. The progressive dinner is the most anticipated church event in my book. So imagine my heart break when I thought we couldn't go to the main course. But we got there. And I scheduled my 4th photography job of the month while I was eating. :) At the end of the night, Joyce taught me how to play spades. We couldn't actually play due to the fact that we didn't have enough people. But it looks really fun. Oh, and back to the whole car breaking down thing. My dad waited with the car for an hour for the tow truck (in Salisbury), got a ride back to Seaford, got a ride back to our house, got our truck and drove to Delmar to pick the rest of the family up. Then he stayed for a while and played pool with some of the guys from church. For those of you who don't know my dad, he goes to bed usually before 10 every night and is cranky when he's hungry. So he hadn't had any of the main course of the meal and it was around 10:30. That made me really happy and I gave my dad a really long hug.

I fell asleep in front of our fireplace, on a memory foam mattress pad, while watching The Wedding Planner. Favorite moment of my life? Definitely makes it in the top 15 list. (*It would be the top 10 list, but I've met too many famous people. That wasn't meant to sound that conceited either.) I woke up with my doggy Max, a.k.a. Maxxy Poo, laying right beside me.

We sang "Your Grace Is Enough" in church. Long story short, it got me thinking, and I was really convicted, and I basically would have liked to slap myself in the face right in the middle of praise and worship. But now I am out of my little funk I was in.

After the photo shoot with my family, we went to a local coffee shop near the shoot location. Gabby wanted to check out the back deck, so while my aunt and I were looking over the pictures, Gabby and my uncle went to the deck. Uncle Mark said when they walked back there she said to him "Daddy, let's sit down and we can talk about your favorite color." How adorable. That's kind of her new thing. She asks everyone what their favorite color is.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. My Aunt Audrey is having neck surgery on Tuesday and she'll still be in the hospital for Thanksgiving, so we celebrated early. We had it at my cousin's house. She was getting rid of old clothes so we got to take anything we wanted. Boom. I got tons of button down shirts that I was so badly in need of. God answers prayer. So almost the whole night, all of the girls in the family tried on a bunch of clothes in my cousin's room.

I ran a red light by accident. The light was green for 3 seconds tops. Promise. It was redonkulous. I felt so bad I almost cried. I can't even imagine the basket case I would be if I actually got pulled over.

So that's what my weekend looked like. In other news, here are some random thoughts that just crossed my mind:

I need to start tanning soon for the cruise. I looked over pictures from the one we took in January and I was inexcusably pale.

I sound really weird when I sneeze.

I am out of my doodle jump addiction phase. It was fun while it lasted.

I had a mocha frappe tonight. YUMMMMM.

I didn't wash my hair today and it actually looked pretty good. (That is a rarity for me.)

I'm really liking this whole blogging thing a lot more than I thought I would.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write, Allison! (And I promise I'm not being a creeper- I saw this update on Facebook. :) ) Your week sounds incredibly lovely and busy (and productive- sounds like a good shopping trip!).
    You go on cruises?! I love cruises! Where are you going?
    ~Lydia Albano
