
First post :D

This is my first "official" post. Whoo! Here goes nothin'...

I watched Jimmy Neutron today. I was very excited to see that it was on tv. What was not so exciting however was that the episode that was on did not spark my interest. It wasn't all that funny. But Sheen and Carl were still there so that's always a plus. :) Love those two. Here's something I bet you didn't know. Carl and Sheen always were my favorite part of the show. And Carl loves llamas. That's partly where my love of llamas comes from. (Now you know who to blame :P)

I sat in front of my (new-ish) fire place while I watched Jimmy. And Covert Affairs. Which reminds me. WHEN Annie and Auggie going to get together? We all know it's going to happen. There's no possible way it can't happen. If it doesn't, I will bawl. Jusss sayin'

But back to the fire place. When my dad got home, he got mad that I had the "fire" (it's not a real one) on, and he told me if I was cold to use a blanket. Call me crazy, but isn't the point of the fire place so you don't have to use a blanket? Sometimes I don't understand the way he thinks. Oh well. I still have my electric blanket in my room. :)

Our new hot tub cover was delivered today! You see, our old one started to fall apart and my dad didn't want to keep up on the hot tub if he couldn't cover it. So he drained the hot tub. Yes, it was heart wrenching. But now we have another cover and joy will be restored to all. 

Now, perhaps some thoughts on the X Factor. I love Simon Cowell. I will probably tell you too many times. But it's the truth. I just think the man is hysterical. Also, the host is pretty cool too. This is a conversation my mom and I had about him:

Mom: He must be Scottish.
Me: He's from Wales. I saw it on Ellen.
Mom: I think that's the same place.
Me: No it's not... Really?
Mom: I don't know. Hahaha.

I thought it was pretty funny. You should know, my mom is terrible when it comes to geography. Even in the U.S. She seriously doesn't know where Oklahoma is. 

I tried fried okra tonight! Why am I so excited about that you ask? Well, the first day of TeenPact, (the leadership school that I am involved with.) everyone is given a piece of paper with different squares on it. In each square, it has a different statement, such as "I have my drivers license" or "I have green eyes". Stuff like that. You go up to different people and have them sign their name under one of the statements that apply to them. Well one of the squares says "I have had fried okra". And it's rare if you find someone who has done that. So, this coming year, I will be signing the "I have had fried okra" box. *Fist pump into the air* But this is all thanks to my youth pastor. I was telling her the whole story and she texted me today and said that she would bring some to life group for me so I could try it. So big thanks to Terri, who made this dream possible.

I've heard the song 'Forever Reign" on the radio 4 times over the past two days. After I heard it the third time, I was like "Wow, that's cool. I should post about that." And then I heard it the fourth time and I knew I had to say something about it. I've loved the song ever since we sang it at Back To D.C. The lyrics are so awesome too. So I feel like it's a sign that God was trying to get them really instilled in me. (I think that many things are "signs". But I really do think that they are, not just for fun.) Here are some of my favorite lyrics:

"You are good, you are good, when there's nothing good in me."
"Oh, I'm running to your arms, I'm running to your arms. The riches of your love will always be enough. Nothing compares to your embrace."

That's pretty amazing huh? The riches of God's love will always be enough. And there is nothing like it. Nothing compares to God's embrace. But we have to run to Him to truly see how great the riches are.  And, God is good. Even when there isn't any good in us. I know some days I just feel crappy and like I've miserably failed to please God. But He is still good to us. That's just some of the riches of His love. Pretty mind-boggling, if you ask me.

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