

Stole this from my good friend Giann. :) And since nothing extremely exciting has happened over the past couple of days, I decided that posting this was better than nothing, right?

Ten things I wish I could say to ten different people: 
10. I want to be just like you when I grow up.
9. I miss you two thousand pounds! (which equals a ton, get it?)
8. I pray for you every single day.
7. I think you're the coolest person alive.
6. I love you so much!
5. We really need to hang out. 
4. You helped me through a tough time and you don't even know. Thank you.
3. I want to steal your wardrobe.
2. When are you going to upload those pictures?!
1. I wish you didn't live so far away.

Nine things about myself: 
9. I think if I were famous, which I want to be, I would be best friends with Taylor Swift.
8. I love salty snacks.
7. I love white grape juice.
6. I'm extremely excited to meet my husband.
5. I've never missed a Jonas Brothers tour. 
4. I've been to 12 concerts not counting little ones at youth rallies and things of that nature // Carrie Underwood, Jonas Brothers-6 flags, Jonas Brothers-WYLMITE tour, Demi Lovato-DE State Fair, Jonas Brothers-Burning Up Tour, American Idol Tour-'09 with David Archuleta, Jonas Brothers-World Tour, Nick Jonas & The Administration, Jonas Brothers-2010 World Tour, Allstar Weekend-Glamour Kills Tour, Allstar Weekend-Glamour Kills Tour, Frankie Valli-DE State Fair.
3. I want nerd glasses.
2. I would rather be at a TeenPact event then anywhere else in the world.
1. My favorite girl names for my future daughter(s) are: Olivia, Bailey, Lily, Kaylee, & Daniella. Just to name a few.

Eight ways to win my heart:
8. Smell good.
7. Have swagger. A.k.a. Dress as well as One Direction.
6. Sing me a cute song. (Preferably What Makes You Beautiful. But any romantic boy band song will do.)
5. Have brown eyes and dimples.
4. Love to take pictures.
3. Be good with little kids.
2. Make me laugh so hard that I come close to peeing my pants.
1. Love God more than anything else.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
7. Food.
6. National Convention.
5. Clothes.
4. "I'm cold."
3. "I have to pee."
2. Making lists.
1. Loving God.

Six things I do before I fall asleep: 
6. Kiss my mom goodnight.
5. Watch t.v.
4. Check facebook, pinterest, instagram, and twitter.
3. Wash my face.
2. Plug my phone in.
1. Talk to God.

Five people who always make me smile:
5. Liam Payne.
4. Harry Styles.
3. Louis Tomlinson.
2. Zayn Malik.
1. Niall Horan.

Juuust kidding. I love One Direction, but my life doesn't revolve around them. :)

Five people who always make me smile:
5. Liam Payne. Uncle Mark
4. Harry Styles. Any TeenPacter.
3Louis Tomlinson. Heejun Han.
2. Zayn Malik. My grandma.
1. Niall Horan. Brian Regan.

Four things I'm wearing right now:
4. Mark Flamos window washing shirt. <3 
3. UD sweatpants.
2. Fuzzy socks.
1. My hair in a messy bun.

Three songs that I listen to often:
3. Everything About You // One Direction
2. Children of God // Stephen Curtis Chapman
1. How Will I Know // Whitney Houston

Two things I want to do before I die:
2. Hang out with one of my favorite celebrities.
1. Get married.

One confession:
1. When I was 12, I stepped on a rake. It was hilarious!


  1. Haha. Can I steal this for my blog? ;)

  2. hahaha.....I'm laughing "five things that make me smile"...that would totally be me... lol and "eight ways to win my heart" number 7....and wow. that is a lot of concerts... :)
