
Summer Bucket List

Little known fact about me:
I LOVE to make lists.

I love to hand write things and I love to plan things. Combine the two and you get a list maker. I write lists when I'm bored or when I'm really excited for something, even if that something is half a year away.

Recently, I made a summer bucket list. If we talk a stroll down memory lane, you'll find out that in 2010 I made a summer bucket list. The difference? That list was unrealistic and this one is full of adventures that are fully attainable. My old list, for instance included things such as parasailing, taking a road trip, making a time capsule, and getting old time photos taken. I'd like to point out that I would really love to do the previous mentioned adventures. I just don't see those things actually happening and I want to cross everything off of my list to the best of my abilities. It will make me feel more accomplished.

So, in the case that I remember to do so, I will keep you updated this summer on the status of my list and the adventures and merriment that will come along with it.

Without further adieu, here is what I will be attempting to do this summer:

build a sandcastle
get a car (I've talked it over with my parents, so this one is actually feasible) 
stay tan
go to a shorebirds game
go to the Delaware State fair
go to an amusement park
chill out in Central Park (perhaps my most anticipated item on the list)
get a henna tattoo
actually wear my fedora
start exercising (which I've kinda already started)
get more shoes
get multiple swim suits
go to the $1 movies
grow my hair really long
lighten my hair (probably with Sun In)
keep my nails painted
get a second ear piercing
have photo shoots with friends
pay for the person behind me in the drive through
get a makeover at the mall with MAC makeup
go to National Convention & go on the blob this this time
make a fort out of blankets
blow bubbles
take underwater pictures
play with sidewalk chalk
play mini golf
have a scavenger hunt
go to Chuck E Cheese
complete a puzzle
go laser tagging
have a pool party
go to a water park
have a paint fight with white shirts
make stupid videos
dye a streak of my hair purple
run around in the rain
eat at Old Mill and buy another t shirt


  1. National convention <3 but noo way am I going on the blob ha.

  2. sounds awesome!! Btw, Chuck E. Cheese is not what its all cracked up to be.... :p
