

I had to blog about this.
There was no way I could pass it up.

Remember that one post where I talked about that guy on American Idol? The hilarious dude with the voice of an angel? Well you should know, that he's pretty much my new favorite thing. Every time they show him on Idol, he gets funnier. 

So, last night I had a dream I was on a date with him. It was a really fun time actually. You know when you have some dreams and they totally are freaky and don't make any sense? Well this wasn't one of them. Haha. It was like I was just chillin' with my pal.

I follow Heejun on twitter and noticed that he responds to a lot of his followers. So, I figured I'd tweet him about it in the rare chance that he'd respond. What did I have to lose?

So, I'm sitting on the couch after a frustrating day, eating cheese and crackers, when my phone goes off and informs me that-are you ready for this-HEEJUN HAN REPLIED TO ME!!! All of the caps, exclamation points, and bold, italic, and underlined font in the world does not describe my reaction.

Here is just a taste of the thoughts running through my mind:
If I weren't me, I would be furiously jealous of me right now!
HOLY CRAP. What a sweet Valentines Day present.
The potential next American Idol just talked to me. ME.
Amy needs to answer her phone so we can scream together about this.
I'm probably going to say "I can't believe he tweeted me" 100 times during every next episode of American Idol that I watch.
My heart hurts because it's beating so fast.
I wonder if he'll ever mention this moment in an interview when they ask him "what's the weirdest/funniest/coolest thing a fan experience you've ever had?". That would be unbearably amazing.
If he gets to the top 12, I'm going to the American Idol concert tour this summer and I'm going to try to stay after and meet him and ask him if he remembers this.

So folks, I just had to let out all of my joy, merriment, excitement, and pure bliss. Thank you for your time. Unlike my other posts, this is the only topic I'll be rambling on about. I thought it deserved it's own post. I'm gonna go cry buckets of joy now.

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