
"Why yes, my favorite's Gouda."

I went and saw The Vow this weekend with the girls from youth group. You're probably thinking to yourself right now "I'm so happy for you Allison! That's all you've talked about for days. I'm glad that your dreams came true." WRONG. I was extremely disappointed by the movie and I would advise you to save your money and watch it when it comes out on dvd. Don't get me wrong, it had some great parts. Channing Tatum always plays the sweet, hunky, sensitive guy, so that never fails to make me happy. I just felt that the ending could have been better. But I will give thanks for the romantic parts. 

I'm shooting a baby this week! Yes, you heard right. A newborn baby and her parents. They'll also be smiling while I do so. No, I'm not some crazed murderer. My friend from middle school had her baby last week! Crazy. She asked me to take her baby's new born pictures. So yes, I'll be shooting them. But with a camera instead of a gun. Being a photographer sure has it's perks. You get to see people smile, you give people lasting memories, but by far my favorite thing is telling everyone that I shoot people. 

I've tried to do my TeenPact alumni research paper roughly 5 times already. Every time I end up on Pinterest, Facebook, or Kendi Everyday. And it's not that I open my macbook and I'm tempted to go on those sites rather than do the work. I just loose focus rather swiftly and it gets to the point where I'm not getting any work accomplished anyhow. Today, I did manage to do more work than that of previous attempts. However, it still was not much. So I shall try again tomorrow. Wish me luck. 

Oh, hey. Remember my last post? About me giving over my love life to God? Well, yesterday morning, my aunt calls me up (who is also the pastor's wife) and informs me that they are going to put my blog up on the projector and that they wanted me to read that post since it's Valentine's weekend and the post has to do with love. Lucky for me, I had nursery duty and someone else read it instead. I didn't care that it was being read to everyone. If I didn't want people to read it, than it was quite foolish of me to post it on a blog, eh? I just didn't want people look at me and say things such as "awwwww" or "I didn't know you could write that well". That would have made me feel on the spot and awkward. For some strange reason, I'm perfectly fine with people complimenting it after church though. Don't know why.

Saturday night I watched She's The Man. I am thoroughly convinced that there is no movie funnier. Also, I can pretty much quote it from start to finish. One time, my dad had to disconnect the dish from the tv in my room, so I watched this movie every night for 3 weeks. I did not once get sick of it. I think I might even watch it again tonight. That's how I determine if a movie I like actually makes it in to the "favorites" category. If I can watch it at least thrice (I like using that word :P) a month, then you know I love love love it. The cheese/tarantula scene is my favorite part of the whole movie by far. The videos are some of my other top favorite parts.


  1. :( I'm sorry the Vow is not what you were expecting!! The true story, which is what it was based off of, has a happy ending! :)

    1. I know! Well it's not that it doesn't end the same. It just hard to explain unless I tell you what happens.
